Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work
In summer of 2020, I partnered with other graduate students to co-author a call-to-action document outlining steps for our colleagues and faculty to take towards dismantling anti-Black racism in our department. This led to the development of an action plan which can be read here.
In Spring 2021, I encouraged our department to create a 'pod' and to participate in the URGE (Unlearning Racism in Geoscience) program a "community-wide journal-reading and policy-design curriculum to help Geoscientists unlearn racism and improve accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (AJEDI) in our discipline". Please visit here to learn more about URGE.
During Fall 2020, took part in an initiative to develop accessible virtual field experiences for our department. The resulting virtual field experiences can be found here here.
Invited and hosted Dr. Anita Marshall, the Director of Operations for the International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD), for the EPS department Bromery Lecture series in Fall 2020. To learn more about the IAGD visit here.
Established lab mentorship relationship with the Whiting Internships in Science & Engineering (WISE) program through the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. For info on the WISE program visit here.
Served as co-chair of the graduate student EDI committee in the department in 2021 & 2022 focusing on increasing department awareness of safety issues in fieldwork and encouraging the development of guidelines for field safety in the department, and communicating the barriers/experiences for students accessing research and academic accommodations.
To learn more about AJEDI, I have a folder of compiled resources here that has links to documents from other organizations.